River Visualizations
.. image:: images/illustration.png
:alt: River People Screenshot
Welcome to the community visualization collection! Here you can find visualizations
that show how to use static and dynamic `River `_ models.
Since River is implemented in Python, the collection here includes a wide variety
of Python visualization libraries.
This website is work in progress! You can find `discussion here `_
and we welcome your contributions to the gallery via new visualizations, updates to current visualizations,
or to the site itself. Our plan for work is currently the following:
* expanding the collection of visualization examples
* extending or optimizing the organization of the gallery collections
* support for different Python derived visualizations and (possibly) JavaScript-based
* creating a collection of community requests for new examples and
* sharing widely on social media to get more feedback.
You can see the source code, open an issue, or ask a question at the `repository `_.
.. toctree::
:caption: Examples
:maxdepth: 1
.. toctree::
:caption: About
:maxdepth: 1